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  • Writer's pictureLinda Stager


Updated: Feb 27

I have taken this photo over and over at this very spot for years. Over and over...I'm drawn to the scene and to the emotion it evokes in me.

You see...the first time I posted it on social media was in 2017. I had just lost two important people in my life--a day apart from one another. I didn't know ahead of time it would be that way...and it was devastating.

My dad died just before his 95th his sleep during a nap. I had been so vigilant with him and yet, when it was his time, it happened when I wasn't there...when I least expected it. I simply wasn't ready for it.

And one of the most heroic women I have ever known, Cindy Dalton died in the arms of her husband the next day. I simply wasn't ready for that either.

Since then, whenever I post this photo, both of these special people are on my mind and in my heart. Every time I drive past this spot, those people I loved so much, are there...that scene for me triggers all of the emotion that comes with grief.

But now, I am able to process better. That's what time lets you breathe without the awful cut in your breath. It helps turn all of the angst into something more manageable...and more positive.

Today I will reflect on the positive. The world is simply better with special people in it. Like my dad. Like Cindy... (and you.) I loved knowing them. I loved being with them. They made my world better.

There are always people in your life who make the world better.

You know who they are. Savor that relationship and the time you have with them.

Savor it now, while they are here. Savor it forever after they are gone....they are a forever gift of the heart. ~Linda

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