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  • Writer's pictureLinda Stager

Lighting a candle for you…

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

This post is for those who have a lump in their throat this holiday season... a deep pain in their heart; those who simply hurt right now.

Maybe, right now, you are crying...I hear you.

Maybe, right now, you are angry, I feel you...

Life is sometimes a lot darker than the pretty photos I share with you. Life is not always, "amazing, stunning, magnificent..."

Life is sometimes ugly.

This morning, my friend just told me she has breast cancer. She is in shock. Her Christmas joy is shattered. Life has changed for her. Temporarily...permanently... She will never be the same person she was before her experience.

Last week my friend told me about some old hurts and how he still struggles. I wish him peace from his torment. I wish him love, now and for the future.

This year, my 95 year old aunt is spending her first Christmas in a nursing home: afraid and disoriented with dementia.

I've seen my friends' posts on social media that speak to loneliness, sadness, a reality that there is no Christmas tree this year; no Christmas guests; even in some cases, no Christmas presents. They grieve....and I am sad.

You see, we all have this sense that life should be rosy...especially at Christmas time. And sometimes, it simply is not.

So what can we do?

We can join our friends in their pain, and loneliness...and let them know we care.

How? There are many ways... Visit? Send a note? Give them the biggest smile you can when you see them...even a hug? You name it...your imagination is good for it. Think of who you want to reach out to, and then, as the commercial says, "Just do it..." whatever your heart tells you to do, do it.

And for all of my friends, no matter how they feel right now, I will light a candle for you. Candles are such a great metaphor. They light the darkness.... a small flicker of brightness that has the power to illuminate even our darkest moments. They symbolize hope, love, remembrance, positive energy, even solidarity.... Light a candle among others and our candle lights the way for all.

To "Jared".....and all the "Jareds" I know, you are on your way. Hang in there. A better life awaits you,

To "Beth" and all the "Beths" I know, You are strong! This too will pass.

To "Steve" and all the "Steves" I know, you will escape your past. After the new year, we will sit together and I will listen.

And to my sweet aunt, you will always be in my heart. May you smile just a little at our memories.

Let's be aware this holiday season that darkness exists for many in spite of the season's expectations of joy. We can light that darkness, a little or a lot, by how we approach it.

Light a candle with me....symbolically, and let's vow to reach out to someone we know who is struggling...

We'll all be better for it. Peace.... @LindaStager #Livingontheegdeoflight

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